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WHAT Children Say...

"It is the funniest, weirdest and most creative club I've been to!"

"I like story circle because I like listening to stories and drawing"

"I like Story Circle because you never know what's going to happen!"




"My son loves it - it's a lovely club!"

"It's the highlight of his week - every week...

He's become confident in commenting on different aspects of

stories from around the world."

"It's so inspiring - the perfect end to each week."

"thank you so much - He comes home buzzing about your stories and we love reading them online together"

"We've had a great time - he takes in all the stories and themes and talks about them at home -

thank you SO much!"

There’s stories in you

There’s stories in me

Wherever we are,

Whatever we see

There’s stories in me,

There’s stories in you,

They join us together, 

Near and far, old and new!

Spring term 2019

WINTER term 2018

Term 3: April- July 2018

Term 2: January-March 2018

Term 1: Sept-December 2017

Story Circle is hosted by Lyric Communications Ltd. Company information and privacy policy is here.

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